Aqui estou eu + uma vez,tentando preencher a falta de actividades que ocupem o meu tempo (demasiadamente) livre, na esperança que estes meus desvaneios nao firam susceptibilidades.
Ao analisar toda a nossa vida podemos dela tirar conclusoes muito variadas, podemos ficar com a sensaçao que apesar de muitos erros cometidos houve sempre uma tentativa de fazer o melhor, mas podemos tambem chegar a conclusao que ao esforçar-mo-nos por fazer a coisa certa acabamos mesmo por fazer exactamente o contrario, ou seja, fazemos sempre tudo da da pior maneira, o oposto do que pretendiamos, nao sei se entendem esta imensa crise de identidade(lol) mas acontece muitas vezes especialmente em momentos que estamos sós, ou seja, os momentos de reflexao em que aproveitamos para por ideias no lugar e fazer um balanço da nossa vida, expondo pros e contras. Ora, nesta epoca do ano em que a maioria dos jovens aproveitam a vida ate ao ultimo minuto, e esforçam-se ao maximo para ter toda a diversao que lhes foi retirada durante o ano lectivo, outros aproveitam, como ja referi, para fazerem um balanço da vida, para tomar decisoes na tentativa de mudar, maus habitos, ou mesmo algo que achamos que nao esta certo na nossa vida,na tentativa de nos tornar-mos pessoas melhores. Apesar deste balanço, chegamos entao a conclusao que apesar de muita vontade, nao ha muita coisa que possamos mudar na nossa vida, ja que nao depende so de nos, mas sim de uma serie de outros factores, os quais nao podemos controlar, podemos mesmo concluir que somos meros peões num jogo em que nao somos nos quem ditam as regras mas sim algo nao identificado, que se da por varios nomes, como destino, vida, amor, etc,mas que acabamos por concluir nao saber do que relamente se trata, limitamo-nos a fazer as jogadas, e seguir as regras que muitas vezes nem sabemos ao certo quais sao, e passamos a nossa vida a tentar descobrir quais as regras e objectivo deste imenso jogo, mas sem sucesso. Muitos procuram por exemplo a definição de amor, mas por mais que o sintamos nao podemos nunca defini-lo ja que cada pessoa o sente de maneira diferente e cada caso é um caso, logo podemos entao tirar uma conclusao, as regras mudam de "peão para peão", mas no final o objectivo é so um: a FELICIDADE (pelo menos na minha opinião), e so ganha o jogo, quem seguir as regras e jogar de maneira + honesta, não se esquecendo nunca algo essencial para o jogo, uma ferramenta imprescindivel e sem a qual é impossível ganhar o jogo, a ESPERANÇA, pois esta e a que nos ajuda a ultrapassar muitos obstaculos ao longo do jogo da vida...portanto eu tento nao me esquecer de jogar de forma honesta, seguir es regras e ter sempre a esperança, a minha fiel escudeira, apesar de as vezes parecer que ela me abandona eu sei que ela esta sempre la, e e ela (juntamente com alguns anjinhos que aparecem no nosso caminho para nos ajudar a ganhar o jogo) que me ajuda a percorrer o caminho, a jogar este jogo que é a vida, e que um dia eu espero
domingo, 26 de junho de 2005
quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2005
A palavra NÃO...
Uma Rapariga perguntou a um Rapaz se ele achava ela bonita, ele disse não. Ela perguntou se ele queria ficar com ela pela eternidade.... e ele disse não. Então ela perguntou a ele, se ela fosse embora ele iria chorar e mais uma vez ele respondeu com um não. Ela já tinha ouvido demais. Assim que ela tava indo embora, lágrimas caíam de sua face o rapaz agarrou seu braço e disse... tu não és bonita és linda. Eu não quero ficar ctg pra sempre. Eu PRECISO ficar ctg pra sempre. e eu não iria chorar se tu fosses iria morrer...
(agora k um NÃO pode ter varios sigificados, desde insegurança, incerteza. medod amar, ou simplesmente SIM, agora cabe.vos descobrir qual o significado...)
(agora k um NÃO pode ter varios sigificados, desde insegurança, incerteza. medod amar, ou simplesmente SIM, agora cabe.vos descobrir qual o significado...)
Qualquer coisa k m deu para xkrever....
Devido a mts influencias positivas (cm smp das mnhs manas)....resolvi levar este blog + a serio dando.lhe um toque + pessoal, ou seja, vou tentar xkrever algo minimamente interexante e com significado para mim...e k poxa d certa maneira tocar-vos(eu duvido ms vou tentar..)
Vou começar por falar das férias..k rullam neste momento para alguns....e pa outros marrar..:S
As férias estão normalmente associadas a diversão, praia, sol, mar, actividades ao ar livre para uns, actividades indoor para outros (tipo em centros comerciais com um sol de rachar, so para paxarem o dia a fazer compras, existe coisa + impensavel????ainda se foxe so para dar uma voltinha e vir...mas pronto..k s pode fazer...?!)Mas continuando...ja para outros (coitados) esta altura do ano está associada a livros, exames, estudar ate dizer chega, e princpalmente muito café para aguentar tudo isto!! E depois há akeles para os quais férias estão, pelo contrário, associadas a (isto e verdade n e gozo) tempo para organizar ideias, tristeza, inconformidade(ja k n s sentem bem em lado nenhum nem a fazer nd) mas acima de tudo muita saudade...e la tem k (sobre)viver as férias...!!! Depois a certa altura tudo começa a muito complicado, qualquer actividade algo incomodo k fazem so para n decepcionarem as pexoas....e continuarem a (sobre)viver!!!É nesta época em k os incomformados (para kem n percebe akeles k consideram as ferias algo obrigatorio pela qual tem k paxar c mt esforço)se juntam na tentativa de ultrapaxar estes pesarosos dias de um modo - doloroso (isto ta a ficar um pouco po dramatico d +..:P) Kem ler isto e n tiver na msm situaçao pensa:"esta ta trenga, olha dps d um ano d testes axar as ferias algo obrigatorio e psicologo fazia bem!!" Mas e a + pura realidade...e perguntam vcs "o k leva uma pexoa a amaldiçoar o homem k inventou as ferias?" pois bem, nada + nada - k o mais antigo, lindo, contraditorio, complicado e imprescindivel sentimento, sim o AMOR!!!(L)(L) Este sentimento pelo qual todos anceiam desde sempre e k alguns xegam mesmo a amaldiçoar...o sentimento k tanto move montanhas como leva a cometer as maiores loucuras. O amor no inicio provoca todo o tipo de sentimentos acessorios...como a felicidade em toda e qualquer situaçao ( do tipo em k ficas contente com qlqr disparate k t dizem..:P) tudo move a volta da pexoa amada, tudo leva a ele e tudo e feito em funçao dele, ou seja, paxas a um estado em k vives por ele!!! Mas depois (e agora sim a causa k xplica este tipo d sentimento em relaçao as ferias) como tudo s move a volta da pexoa amada, crias uma situaçao de dependencia em k tens k ve la tds os dias nem k seja so mm pa ver k ela ta bem...e entao k xega as tao insuportavelmente obrigatorias FERIAS!!! em k n podes "deliciar" os olhos com a visao do amor...e tudo deixa d fazer sentido, nd consegue ser sufciente para preencher o vazio...e dps sao 3 meses longos (para alguns) para outros sao +, acabs entao por t habituar e n teres a presença dele, concentras.te em td o k d bom s paxou, nas boas recordaçoes, fotografias, vais aos locais com significado, fazes td para spbreviveres a esta época, mas parece cada x + dificil, as recoradaçoes começam a n ser suficientes, a tristeza começa a, a tomar controlo, perdes o interexe por td!! Mas mesmo c mt dificludade tens k seguir em frente e aproveitar tudo ate ao ultimo minuto , ja k pararmos d viver e desistir, o k demosntra k o amor tem pouca importancia, logo tens + e k aguentar firme pois exa e a maior prova de amor k podes dar!!Por fim depois de muita luta, os tres meses chegam ao fim!! Sim finalmente vais poder voltar para junta dos teus amigos e ter aglum conforto, para alguns começo de aulas significa recomaçar o marranço...:S..para outros o reencontro com alguem especial!! Mas o para outros significa o recomeço de + um ano d luta para dar + uma prova de amor, signfica a continuaçao d uma batalha perdida da qual o ultimo soldado recusa a abandonar...e continua e d espada impune a lutar por uma causa perdida (podem pensar k e patriotismo, ms n e msm estupides, ou mt crença...) Este novo ano a muitos outros mas com mts mudanças k pouco significam, e exes para o qual este nao paxa d mais uma ano, seguem em frente com a esperança k o dia seguinte traga a vitoria ou talvez o inicio de uma nova batalha...
(eu dixe k n tnh mt jeito, ms tentei acreditem...(lol) mas espero k recuperem desta tento n repetir a proeza...e obrigado akeles k aguentaram a leitura ate ao final, e desde ja peço dsc plos danos causados!!)
Vou começar por falar das férias..k rullam neste momento para alguns....e pa outros marrar..:S
As férias estão normalmente associadas a diversão, praia, sol, mar, actividades ao ar livre para uns, actividades indoor para outros (tipo em centros comerciais com um sol de rachar, so para paxarem o dia a fazer compras, existe coisa + impensavel????ainda se foxe so para dar uma voltinha e vir...mas pronto..k s pode fazer...?!)Mas continuando...ja para outros (coitados) esta altura do ano está associada a livros, exames, estudar ate dizer chega, e princpalmente muito café para aguentar tudo isto!! E depois há akeles para os quais férias estão, pelo contrário, associadas a (isto e verdade n e gozo) tempo para organizar ideias, tristeza, inconformidade(ja k n s sentem bem em lado nenhum nem a fazer nd) mas acima de tudo muita saudade...e la tem k (sobre)viver as férias...!!! Depois a certa altura tudo começa a muito complicado, qualquer actividade algo incomodo k fazem so para n decepcionarem as pexoas....e continuarem a (sobre)viver!!!É nesta época em k os incomformados (para kem n percebe akeles k consideram as ferias algo obrigatorio pela qual tem k paxar c mt esforço)se juntam na tentativa de ultrapaxar estes pesarosos dias de um modo - doloroso (isto ta a ficar um pouco po dramatico d +..:P) Kem ler isto e n tiver na msm situaçao pensa:"esta ta trenga, olha dps d um ano d testes axar as ferias algo obrigatorio e psicologo fazia bem!!" Mas e a + pura realidade...e perguntam vcs "o k leva uma pexoa a amaldiçoar o homem k inventou as ferias?" pois bem, nada + nada - k o mais antigo, lindo, contraditorio, complicado e imprescindivel sentimento, sim o AMOR!!!(L)(L) Este sentimento pelo qual todos anceiam desde sempre e k alguns xegam mesmo a amaldiçoar...o sentimento k tanto move montanhas como leva a cometer as maiores loucuras. O amor no inicio provoca todo o tipo de sentimentos acessorios...como a felicidade em toda e qualquer situaçao ( do tipo em k ficas contente com qlqr disparate k t dizem..:P) tudo move a volta da pexoa amada, tudo leva a ele e tudo e feito em funçao dele, ou seja, paxas a um estado em k vives por ele!!! Mas depois (e agora sim a causa k xplica este tipo d sentimento em relaçao as ferias) como tudo s move a volta da pexoa amada, crias uma situaçao de dependencia em k tens k ve la tds os dias nem k seja so mm pa ver k ela ta bem...e entao k xega as tao insuportavelmente obrigatorias FERIAS!!! em k n podes "deliciar" os olhos com a visao do amor...e tudo deixa d fazer sentido, nd consegue ser sufciente para preencher o vazio...e dps sao 3 meses longos (para alguns) para outros sao +, acabs entao por t habituar e n teres a presença dele, concentras.te em td o k d bom s paxou, nas boas recordaçoes, fotografias, vais aos locais com significado, fazes td para spbreviveres a esta época, mas parece cada x + dificil, as recoradaçoes começam a n ser suficientes, a tristeza começa a, a tomar controlo, perdes o interexe por td!! Mas mesmo c mt dificludade tens k seguir em frente e aproveitar tudo ate ao ultimo minuto , ja k pararmos d viver e desistir, o k demosntra k o amor tem pouca importancia, logo tens + e k aguentar firme pois exa e a maior prova de amor k podes dar!!Por fim depois de muita luta, os tres meses chegam ao fim!! Sim finalmente vais poder voltar para junta dos teus amigos e ter aglum conforto, para alguns começo de aulas significa recomaçar o marranço...:S..para outros o reencontro com alguem especial!! Mas o para outros significa o recomeço de + um ano d luta para dar + uma prova de amor, signfica a continuaçao d uma batalha perdida da qual o ultimo soldado recusa a abandonar...e continua e d espada impune a lutar por uma causa perdida (podem pensar k e patriotismo, ms n e msm estupides, ou mt crença...) Este novo ano a muitos outros mas com mts mudanças k pouco significam, e exes para o qual este nao paxa d mais uma ano, seguem em frente com a esperança k o dia seguinte traga a vitoria ou talvez o inicio de uma nova batalha...
(eu dixe k n tnh mt jeito, ms tentei acreditem...(lol) mas espero k recuperem desta tento n repetir a proeza...e obrigado akeles k aguentaram a leitura ate ao final, e desde ja peço dsc plos danos causados!!)
sábado, 18 de junho de 2005
two little angels
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2005
my one and only love
Whenever I see him,
I fall in love all over again.
I get sweepet off my feet,
Like a leaf in the wind.
I see the look in your eyes,
And I go wild!
Whenever you talk in your soft warm voice,
My body goes numb.
My heart starts to race,
When you give me a smile.
My stomach aches,
When your not around.
I am up all night thinking of you.
Yourt face is always in my mind.
I hear you laugh everywhere I go.
I see you when you're not around.
The cool breeze surrounds me,
And makes me think you're giving me a hug.
When I cry,I imagine you are there with me,
Telling me it will be ok.
Your love is the only thing,
That fills that empty hole in my heart.
I want to be with you forever,
Even though we might just be friends.
It's hard for me to live,
Thinking we will be far apart.
But I know that will never happen,
You are my one and only love
I fall in love all over again.
I get sweepet off my feet,
Like a leaf in the wind.
I see the look in your eyes,
And I go wild!
Whenever you talk in your soft warm voice,
My body goes numb.
My heart starts to race,
When you give me a smile.
My stomach aches,
When your not around.
I am up all night thinking of you.
Yourt face is always in my mind.
I hear you laugh everywhere I go.
I see you when you're not around.
The cool breeze surrounds me,
And makes me think you're giving me a hug.
When I cry,I imagine you are there with me,
Telling me it will be ok.
Your love is the only thing,
That fills that empty hole in my heart.
I want to be with you forever,
Even though we might just be friends.
It's hard for me to live,
Thinking we will be far apart.
But I know that will never happen,
You are my one and only love
my deepest love
Even though we're miles apart,
you will always remain engraved deep in my heart,
even though I don't know where you are,
I know your heart is never far...
Looking up at the sky at night,
I see your smile in every star,
and I know one day,
my heart will be where you are...
My smile is frowning in a saddened curve,
my eyes are blinded by your love,
my heart awaits you,
only you,
for you are my deepest love...
you will always remain engraved deep in my heart,
even though I don't know where you are,
I know your heart is never far...
Looking up at the sky at night,
I see your smile in every star,
and I know one day,
my heart will be where you are...
My smile is frowning in a saddened curve,
my eyes are blinded by your love,
my heart awaits you,
only you,
for you are my deepest love...
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2005
Be yourself !!!!
Someone falls to pieces
Sleepin all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
To finally drift away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
Catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only fame
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside their selfish brain
Someone swears his true love
Untill the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
And even when you've paid enough,
been pulled apart or been held up
With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck
don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose
But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
Sleepin all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
To finally drift away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
Catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only fame
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside their selfish brain
Someone swears his true love
Untill the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
And even when you've paid enough,
been pulled apart or been held up
With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck
don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose
But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
breath no more...
[Piano Solo Opening]
I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
All the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
Too sharp to put back together.
Too small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe no more.
Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
But I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe no...
Bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe,
I breathe-I breathe no more.
[Piano Solo Ending]
I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
All the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
Too sharp to put back together.
Too small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe no more.
Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
But I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe no...
Bleed,I bleed,
And I breathe,I breathe,
I breathe-I breathe no more.
[Piano Solo Ending]
farther away...
[Guitar Solo Open]
I took their smiles and I made them mine.
I sold my soul just to hide the light.
And now I see what I really am,
A thief a whore, and a liar.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
I'm numb to you - numb and deaf and blind.
You give me all but the reason why.
I reach but I feel only air at night.
Not you, not love, just nothing.
I run to you,
Call out your name,I see you there, farther away.
Try to forget you,
But without you I feel nothing.
Don't leave me here, by myself.
I can't breathe.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
I run to you,
Call out your name,I see you there, farther away,
Farther away,farther away,
farther away,farther away,
farther away...
[Drums Solo with Guitar Background][Guitar fades out]
I took their smiles and I made them mine.
I sold my soul just to hide the light.
And now I see what I really am,
A thief a whore, and a liar.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
I'm numb to you - numb and deaf and blind.
You give me all but the reason why.
I reach but I feel only air at night.
Not you, not love, just nothing.
I run to you,
Call out your name,I see you there, farther away.
Try to forget you,
But without you I feel nothing.
Don't leave me here, by myself.
I can't breathe.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
I run to you,
Call out your name,I see you there, farther away,
Farther away,farther away,
farther away,farther away,
farther away...
[Drums Solo with Guitar Background][Guitar fades out]
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
Pushing all the mercy down, down, down
I wanna see you try to take a swing at me
Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
I'm above you, smiling at you, drown, drown, drown
I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me
And I'll pull the triggerAnd you're down, down, down
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the groundI will see you screaming
All my friends are gone, they died (gonna take you down)
They all screamed, and cried (gonna take you down)
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
Gonna take you down
[repeat 2x]
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
I've got my body, got my body back against the...
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
Pushing all the mercy down, down, down
I wanna see you try to take a swing at me
Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
I'm above you, smiling at you, drown, drown, drown
I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me
And I'll pull the triggerAnd you're down, down, down
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the groundI will see you screaming
All my friends are gone, they died (gonna take you down)
They all screamed, and cried (gonna take you down)
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
Gonna take you down
[repeat 2x]
I've got my body, got my body back against the wall
I've got my body, got my body back against the...
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
All of my hate cannot be found
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2005
One of us...
If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
*And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe in things
like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets
(*)Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
(*)Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
*And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe in things
like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets
(*)Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
(*)Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"
You won't cry for my absence, I know
-You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out,
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"
And if I bleed,
I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"
You won't cry for my absence, I know
-You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out,
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"
And if I bleed,
I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...
segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2005
My boo...forever and ever....

There's always that one person that will always have your
You never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me it's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby (you will always be my boo)
(Alicia Keys Rap)
I don't know about y'all but I know about us
and uh It's the only way we know how to rock
I don't know about y'all but I know about us
and uh It's the only way we know how to rock
(Usher verse)
Do you remember girl I was the one that gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember girl I was the one who said put your lips like this
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
Girl I was there and you were my baby
(Chorus Usher)
It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo
(Chorus Alicia Keys)
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo) (that's my baby)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo) (i can't hide it)
And even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
(Alicia Keys)
Yes I remember boy cause after we kissed
I can only think about you're lips
Yes I remember boy the moment I knew
You were the one I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
I was there and you were my baby
(Chorus Usher)
It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo) (you were mine)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo) (yes it is)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo) (it's all right, it's ok)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while But you will always be my boo
(Chorus Alicia Keys)
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (you were my boo) (my boo) When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)(it's all right now, it's ok)
And even though there's another man who's in my life (what we have is in each other)
You will always be my boo
(Hook Usher & Alicia Keys)
My oh my oh my oh my oh my boo
My oh my oh my oh my oh my boo
(Chorus Usher)
It started when we were younger you were mine (you were mine)(my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo)(you and i)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo)(it's all right, it's ok)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while But you will always be my boo
(Alicia Keys Rap)
I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock
I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
(esta musika tem um significado mt especial pra mim...e decidi po la aki! lol e cm smp e para uma pexoa especial....)

My vietnam

Daddy was a soldier he taught me about freedom
Peace and all the great things that we take
advantage of
Once I fed the homeless, I'll never forget
I look upon thier faces as I treated them with
This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
Life keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score
Momma was a lunitic, she liked to push my buttons
She said I wasn't good enough, but I guess I
wasn't trying
Never like school that much, they tried to teach
me better
But I just wasn't hearing it because I thought I
was already pretty clever
This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score
This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keep on dropping bombs
And I keep score
What do you expect from me?
What am I not giving you?
What could I do for you to make me OK in your
This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keep on dropping bombs
And I keep score
This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
Life keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score
This is my Vietnam
This is my Vietnam

Lonely girl
I can remember the very first time I cried
How I wiped my eyes and buried the pain inside
All of my memories - good and bad - that's past
Didn't even take the time to realize
Starin' at the cracks in the walls
Cuz I'm waiting for it all to come to an end
Still I curl up right under the bed
Cuz its takin' over my head all over again
Do you even know who you are?
I guess I'm tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
I want to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
Lyin' awake watchin' the sunlight
How the birds will sing as I count the rings
around my eyes
Constantly pushing the world I know aside
I don't even feel the pain,
I don't even want to try
I'm lookin' for a way to become
The person that I dreamt of when I was sixteen
Oh, nothin' is ever enough
Ooh, baby, it ain't enough for what it may seem
Do you even know who you are?
I'm still tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Everybody wants to be
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
Sorry girl, tell a tale for me
Cuz I'm wondering how you really feel
I'm a lonely girl,
I'll tell a tale for you
Cuz I'm just tryin' to make all my dreams come true
Do you even know who you are?
Oh, yeah, yeah
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Oh, I wanted to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell, I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
I guess not, oh I guess not
Do you even know who you are?
Oh, I'm tryin' to find
A rising dream or a superstar?
Oh, I have a all these dreams
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
No, no
Do you even know what you are?
A rising dream or a fallen star?
Is life good to you or is it bad?
How I wiped my eyes and buried the pain inside
All of my memories - good and bad - that's past
Didn't even take the time to realize
Starin' at the cracks in the walls
Cuz I'm waiting for it all to come to an end
Still I curl up right under the bed
Cuz its takin' over my head all over again
Do you even know who you are?
I guess I'm tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
I want to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
Lyin' awake watchin' the sunlight
How the birds will sing as I count the rings
around my eyes
Constantly pushing the world I know aside
I don't even feel the pain,
I don't even want to try
I'm lookin' for a way to become
The person that I dreamt of when I was sixteen
Oh, nothin' is ever enough
Ooh, baby, it ain't enough for what it may seem
Do you even know who you are?
I'm still tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Everybody wants to be
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
Sorry girl, tell a tale for me
Cuz I'm wondering how you really feel
I'm a lonely girl,
I'll tell a tale for you
Cuz I'm just tryin' to make all my dreams come true
Do you even know who you are?
Oh, yeah, yeah
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Oh, I wanted to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell, I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
I guess not, oh I guess not
Do you even know who you are?
Oh, I'm tryin' to find
A rising dream or a superstar?
Oh, I have a all these dreams
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
No, no
Do you even know what you are?
A rising dream or a fallen star?
Is life good to you or is it bad?
Shadows are fallin' all over town
Another night and these blues got me down
Oh, misery! I sure could use some company
Since he's been gone I ain't been the same
I carry the weight like an old ball and chain
Guess its all meant to be
For love to cause me misery
Oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why does my heart make a fool of me
Seems its my destiny
For love to cause me misery
And, oh! I've been down this road before
With a passion that turns into pain
And each I saw love walk out the door
I swore never get caught again
But ain't it true? It takes what it takes
And sometime we get too smart to leave
One more heartache for me
Another night of misery
Oh! And oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why does my heart make a fool of me
Oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why, why, why, why, why, why does this
heart make a fool of me Seems its my destiny
For love to cause misery, oh
Guess its all meant to be
For love to cause me misery,
oh, no, yeah
Another night and these blues got me down
Oh, misery! I sure could use some company
Since he's been gone I ain't been the same
I carry the weight like an old ball and chain
Guess its all meant to be
For love to cause me misery
Oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why does my heart make a fool of me
Seems its my destiny
For love to cause me misery
And, oh! I've been down this road before
With a passion that turns into pain
And each I saw love walk out the door
I swore never get caught again
But ain't it true? It takes what it takes
And sometime we get too smart to leave
One more heartache for me
Another night of misery
Oh! And oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why does my heart make a fool of me
Oh misery! Oh misery!
Tell me why, why, why, why, why, why does this
heart make a fool of me Seems its my destiny
For love to cause misery, oh
Guess its all meant to be
For love to cause me misery,
oh, no, yeah
quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2005

Ondas que descansam no seu gesto nupcial
abrem-se caem
amorosamente sobre os próprios lábios
e a areia
ancas verdes violetas na violência viva
rumor do ilimite na gravidez da água
sussurros gritos minerais inércia magnífica
volúpia de agonia movimentos de amor
morte em cada onda sublevação inaugural
abre-se o corpo que ama na consciência nua
e o corpo é o instante nunca mais e sempre
ó seios e nuvens que na areia se despenham
ó vento anterior ao vento ó cabeças espumosas
ó silêncio sobre o estrépito de amorosas explosões
ó eternidade do mar ensimesmado unânime
em amor e desamor de anónimos amplexos
múltiplo e uno nas suas baixelas cintilantes
ó mar ó presença ondulada do infinito
ó retorno incessante da paixão frigidíssima
ó violenta indolência sempre longínqua sempre ausente
ó catedral profunda que desmoronando-se permanece!
António Ramos Rosa

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2005
I'm with you
I'm standing on a bridge I'm waiting in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now There's nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but there's no sound Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damp cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with youI'm with youI'm looking for a place I'm searching for a face Is anybody here I know 'Cause nothing's going right And everythings a mess And no one likes to be alone Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damp cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with youI'm with youOh why is everything so confusing Maybe I'm just out of my mind Yea yea yea It's a damp cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with youI'm with youTake me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with youI'm with youTake me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with youI'm with youI'm with you...(esta e pa uma pexoa k tem cantado esta musika cmg...:D:D:D***xpero k gsts)
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